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Analogous color scheme

This color scheme is quite simple to achieve!

When we look at our color wheel the analogous harmony is three colors that follow each other one or three different shade of the same color. The red-orange, the orange and the yellow-orange form an analogous color scheme.


Here are some examples of analogous color scheme:


This kind of color scheme is very calm and peaceful. The analogous scheme is mostly used in bedrooms to create a calming and relaxing feeling. A good example is the in the bedroom on the left the designer uses a darker hue as a dominant color on the walls and the different shades as accents. Blue is a cool color therefore giving the sense of space and tranquility and calm.


This is a very warm and inviting color scheme. In the living room below the designer chose yellow as the dominant color, the walls are painted a lighter yellow. The sofa's texture helps to create stability in the space, this is a great way to use colorful furniture without making them feel larger and or overwhelming. The secondary color is found in the accessories, the curtains are a great example of the importance of repetition in a space.

If you have any questions about your home or how to achieve this look do not hesitate to contact me.

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